1. All individuals aged 18 years & above (based on actual birthdate) with a valid Malaysian address are eligible to apply for the Parkson Card. Each applicant is only entitled to apply for ONE (1) Card regardless of Primary or Supplementary.
  2. All Parkson Card membership is valid up till 31st December of each year. Membership renewal can be made in the month of January of the following year. Membership is FREE for the time being until further notice and Parkson reserves the right to charge a membership fee when such a notice is announced.
  3. As a Member, you are entitled to earn ONE (1) Parkson Card Point for every RM1 nett spent in any Parkson Malaysia Department Store. However, purchases made with Parkson Card Discount Vouchers, Parkson Discount Vouchers, Parkson Promotional Vouchers, Brand Vouchers or Tourist Card; or purchase of Parkson Gift Vouchers, Purchase with Purchase items, agent controlled priced items, selected brands (which will be notified at the brand’s counter, if any), purchases of services, F&B or any other forms of discounts will not be entitled to any Points.
  4. During each purchase, Members are required to present their Parkson Card (physical or E-Card) to the cashier to earn Points. Members are strongly advised to check their receipt before leaving to ensure their Parkson Card number is captured. Failing to do so will result in no Points being awarded and all backdated request will not be entertained. In the event of any exchange/return/refund, the Points deriving from the said purchase will be deducted from your account wherever applicable.
  5. The Parkson Card Points is accumulated on a yearly basis (1st January - 31st December of any given year) and redeemable from 1st January (of that given year) to 31st January (of the following year). The extra January month is given as a grace period for Members to redeem their Points of that given year. The Points earned within any given year is strictly for that year only and cannot be brought forward nor combined with the following year.
  6. Any Points not redeemed after the grace period of January (of the following year) by the end of the business day will be forfeited and any request for extension or allowance to redeem will not be entertained under any circumstances.
  7. Members can upgrade to Parkson Card Diamond or Platinum by accumulating 10,000 Points or 5,000 Points respectively within 12 calendar months (January - December of any given year). Only Points earned from purchases at Parkson Stores are calculated for card tier upgrading. Any other Points (e.g. extra or additional) not earned from purchase in Parkson Store is considered as a bonus and will not be taken into account for card tier upgrading.
  8. The Parkson Card is not a debit, charge or credit card and does not hold any monetary value.
  9. The Parkson Card is also non-transferrable and is strictly for the exclusive use of the registered Member.
  10. Members will need to set a 6-Digit PIN which will be required for redemption and verification purposes. Parkson shall honour anyone holding the Parkson Card and 6-digit PIN for redemption purposes. Please treat the 6-Digit PIN as strictly confidential and do not disclose it to anyone.
  11. Complimentary parking rebate (for the FIRST TWO (2) hours) is offered exclusively for Parkson Card Diamond Members with a valid parking ticket from Pavilion KL or 1 Utama Shopping Centre (not applicable for Touch n’ Go, ONE Card, any electronic payment method, valet services or exclusive parking areas). The applicable discount (capped at RM5) will be deducted from the total purchase when payment is made for purchases of RM200 & above at Parkson Elite Pavilion or 1 Utama Gurney Plaza. Limited to ONE (1) redemption per Member per day only. Rebates are non-exchangeable for cash.
  12. Parkson shall not be held liable for and disclaims any loss of Points arising from any unauthorised use of lost or stolen cards. For lost or stolen cards, please notify Customer Service at any of our stores immediately or call Parkson Customer Service Hotline at 1 300 88 0828 on weekdays (Monday - Friday, 9am - 6.30pm. Closed on Public Holidays).
  13. Parkson reserves the right to cancel/withdraw the Parkson Card and forfeit all Points on the Parkson Card of any Member who is found to have manipulated the usage of the Parkson Card in violation of the Terms & Conditions or in any manner deemed unacceptable by Parkson. Parkson further reserve the right to take the appropriate necessary actions to recover such losses from said manipulation.
  14. Parkson will not replace any lost, stolen, damaged or extend any expired Parkson Vouchers.
  15. These Terms & Conditions are governed by the laws of Malaysia where applicable.
  16. Parkson reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions, privileges and/or to terminate the Parkson Card membership programme at any time. For the avoidance of doubt or conflicting terms, the latest Terms & Conditions will be posted at which shall be construed as the prevailing version.


  1. Parkson menghormati kebimbangan anda tentang privasi dan menghargai perhubungan yang kami miliki dengan anda.

  2. Kenyataan ini dikeluarkan menurut Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 dan ia mewakili dasar Parkson berkenaan dengan pengumpulan, penggunaan, pemprosesan dan pendedahan Data Peribadi anda bagi tujuan-tujuan yang disenaraikan di bawah.

  3. Parkson akan menerima dan mengumpulkan Data Peribadi anda.

    • Anda boleh memilih untuk memberikan Data Peribadi anda kepada Parkson mengikut beberapa cara, seperti semasa anda memohon untuk keahlian Kad Parkson atau menyertai tawaran atau promosi. Jenis Data Peribadi yang anda mungkin berikan kepada Parkson termasuklah:

    • (a) Maklumat hubungan (seperti nama, alamat pos, alamat e-mel, dan nombor mobile atau nombor telefon lain), umur, nombor Kad Pengenalan, tarikh lahir, jantina dan sebarang maklumat peribadi yang lain. (b) Kandungan yang anda berikan (seperti gambar foto dan ulasan).

  4. Data Peribadi anda akan disimpan secara sulit tetapi Data Peribadi anda mungkin akan digunakan dan/atau didedahkan oleh Parkson bagi tujuan-tujuan berikut:-

    • (a) Untuk memproses permohonan keahlian anda dan untuk menyimpan Data Peribadi anda di sepanjang tempoh keahlian anda. (b) Untuk mengumpul, menyusun, memproses, menganalisis dan menyimpan Data Peribadi anda sama ada secara individu atau kolektif dengan individu-individu lain oleh Parkson daripada masa ke semasa bagi kegunaan pengurusan perhubungan pelanggan. (c) Untuk menghubungi dan berkomunikasi dengan anda, dan untuk memberikan anda sebarang maklumat pemasaran, perkhidmatan atau produk dan mengendalikan penyertaan anda dalam acara istimewa, peraduan, cabutan bertuah, program dan kaji selidik (bagi tujuan penyelidikan dan pemasaran untuk menganalisis profil, tingkah laku, trend dan aktiviti pelanggan). (d) Untuk memudahkan akses kepada dan penggunaan Laman Web Parkson dan perkhidmatan mobile yang berkaitan dengan keahlian Kad Parkson anda. (e) Untuk menjawab sebarang aduan dan soalan anda. (f) Untuk pendedahan kepada pihak – pihak yang berikutnya:- (f) For disclosure to the following parties :-

      • Berkongsi dan memindahkan Data Peribadi anda kepada entiti lain dalam Kumpulan Parkson

      • Berkongsi dan memindahkan Data Peribadi anda kepada pembekal perkhidmatan pihak ketiga Parkson bagi tujuan pemasaran, mesej teks, surat beli-belah dan mod komunikasi yang lain.

      • Berkongsi Data Peribadi anda dengan rakan-rakan saudagar Parkson yang menyertai di dalam pemberian diskaun, promosi, hadiah-hadiah, penebusan dan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan kepada ahli-ahli Kad Parkson untuk memudahkan program yang disertai oleh saudagar.

      Parkson akan memastikan bahawa semua pihak-pihak yang dinyatakan di atas akan dihendaki untuk melindungi kesulitan Data Peribadi anda yang diterima mereka.

      (g) Untuk pencegahan dan mengesan penipuan; dan (h) Untuk mendedahkan kepada semua pihak berkuasa/pihak yang berkenaan sebagaimana yang diperlukan di bawah undang-undang bagi mematuhi semua undang-undang, kawalan, peraturan dan arahan yang terpakai.

  5. Anda boleh menghantar permintaan melalui e-mel atau surat kepada Parkson bagi mana-mana yang berikut:

    • (a) Jika anda tidak mahu menerima sebarang perhubungan pemasaran daripada Parkson. (b) Jika anda mahu Parkson berhenti memproses Data Peribadi anda bagi tujuan pemasaran atau sebarang tujuan pemasaran terus. (c) Jika anda mahu supaya Parkson tidak mendedahkan Data Peribadi anda kepada mana-mana pihak seperti yang dinyatakan di atas. (d) Jika anda mahu mengubah cara di mana Parkson dibenarkan memproses Data Peribadi anda seperti yang dinyatakan dalam perenggan 4(a) hingga (c) di atas; atau (e) Jika anda mahu mengakses dan/atau membuat sebarang pembetulan terhadap Data Peribadi anda.

    • Melalui Surat:

      Customer Service Department Parkson
      Corporation Sdn. Bhd. Level 5, Klang Parade,2112,
      Jalan Meru 41050 Klang, Selangor Darul
      Ehsan, Malaysia.

      Melalui E-mel:

      [email protected]

  6. Anda boleh menarik balik sebarang kebenaran yang anda berikan kepada Parkson sebelum ini, atau membantah pada bila-bila masa atau sebab undang-undang, terhadap pemprosesan Data Peribadi anda. Kami akan menggunakan pilihan anda untuk seterusnya. Dalam sesetengah keadaan, sekiranya anda menarik balik kebenaran anda kepada Parkson untuk kegunaan dan pendedahan Data Peribadi anda, ini akan bermakna bahawa anda tidak dapat menikmati kelebihan sesetengah produk, promosi atau perkhidmatan kami.

  7. Parkson berhak menyemak semula syarat-syarat di dalam kenyataan tentang “Dasar Privasi dan Data Peribadi” ini dari masa ke semasa dan sebarang semakan semula yang penting akan dimaklumkan kepada anda melalui bahan-bahan komunikasi Parkson. Anda dianggap telah bersetuju dengan semakan semula tersebut tanpa bantahan jika anda tidak menarik balik kebenaran anda kepada Parkson terhadap penggunaan, penyimpanan, pemprosesan dan pendedahan Data Peribadi anda.

  8. Dengan memberikan Data Peribadi anda kepada Parkson dan menandatangani borang permohonan ini, anda dengan ini mengakui bahawa anda telah membaca dan bersetuju dengan syarat-syarat kenyataan berkaitan “Dasar Privasi dan Data Peribadi”.

  9. Sekiranya terdapat apa-apa konflik di antara pelbagai versi-versi dalam bahasa-bahasa yang lain berkenaan Dasar Privasi dan Data Peribadi ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan diberikan keutamaan.



  1. Parkson respects your concern about privacy and values the relationship we have with you.

  2. This statement is issued pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and it represents Parkson’s policy with regards to the collection, usage, processing and disclosure of your personal data for purposes set out below.

  3. Parkson will receive and collect your Personal Data.

    • You may choose to provide your Personal Data to Parkson in a number of ways, such as when you apply for Parkson Card membership or participate in an offer or promotion. The type of Personal Data you may provide to Parkson includes: (a) Contact information (such as name, postal address, email address and mobile or other phone numbers), age, NRIC no., date of birth, gender and any other personal information. (b) Content you provide (such as photographs and comments).

  4. Your Personal Data will be kept confidential but your Personal Data may be used and/or disclosed by Parkson for the following purposes:

    • (a) To process your membership application and to store your Personal Data during your membership period. (b) To collect, compile, process, analyse and maintain your Personal Data either individually or collectively with other individuals by Parkson from time to time for customer relationship management usage. (c) To contact and communicate with you and to provide you with any marketing information, services or products and administer your participation in special events, contests, sweepstakes, programs and survey (for research and marketing purposes to analyse customer profile, behaviour, trends and activities). (d) To facilitate access to and use of Parkson Website and mobile services relating to your Parkson Card Membership. (e) To respond to any queries and questions from you. (f) For disclosure to the following parties :-

      • Sharing and transferring your Personal Data to other entities of Parkson Group; and

      • Sharing and transferring your Personal Data to Parkson’s third party service providers for marketing purposes, letter shopping, text messaging and other modes of communication.

      • Sharing of your Personal Data with all Parkson’s merchant partners who participate in extending discount, promotion, gifts, redemption and services to Parkson Card Members to facilitate the merchant participation programme.

      Parkson will ensure that all parties mentioned above will be required to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Data they received.

      (g) For fraud prevention and detection; and (h) To disclose to all relevant authorities/parties as required under the law to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules and directives.

  5. You may submit a request by email or letter to Parkson for any of the following:

    • (a) If you do not wish to receive any marketing communication from Parkson. (b) If you wish for Parkson to stop processing your Personal Data for marketing purposes or any direct marketing purposes. (c) If you wish for Parkson not to disclose your Personal Data to any party as mentioned above. (d) If you wish to change the manner in which Parkson is allowed to process your Personal Data as mentioned in paragraph 4(a) to (c) above; or (e) If you wish to access and/or make any corrections to your Personal Data.

    • By Mail:

      Customer Service Department Parkson Corporation Sdn. Bhd.
      Level 5, Klang Parade,2112, Jalan Meru 41050 Klang,
      Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

      Via Email:

      [email protected]

  6. You may withdraw any consent you previously provided to us, or object at any time on legitimate grounds, to the processing of your Personal Data. We will apply your preferences going forward. In some circumstances, withdrawing your consent to our use or disclosure of your Personal Data will mean that you cannot take advantage of some of our products, promotions or services.

  7. Parkson reserves the right to revise the conditions under this statement on “Privacy and Personal Data Policy” from time to time and any material revision will be communicated to you through Parkson communication materials. You shall be deemed to have agreed to such revision(s) without objection if you do not withdraw your consent to Parkson on the usage, storage, processing and disclosure of your Personal Data.

  8. By providing your Personal Data to Parkson and signing this application form, you hereby acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the conditions under this statement on “Privacy and Personal Data Policy”.

  9. In the event of any conflict between the various versions in other languages of this Privacy and Personal Data statement, the English version shall prevail.